There are 614 stories and poems in this section.
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I Hurt So Much
Nov 01, 2002
This mother found out rather unexpectedly that she was pregnant. After about two weeks, she and her husband fell madly in love with this baby. Eleven weeks into the pregnancy, the baby's heart stopped beating. Now this mother feels only pain.
Why Did He Die?
Oct 31, 2002
Infant Loss
Little Joshua died in his sleep when he was 15 months old, and nobody can find a reason why this happened. This mother is filling her life with busy things so that she can't slow down enough to think about Joshua. She finds it impossible to get her life back.
Feeling Like a Failure
Oct 31, 2002
This mother exposes her feelings of being a failure because she couldn't carry her precious baby Charles Tillman Watts III to term. She feels like she failed her son, and because of that he will never know the joys of living on this earth.
The Tunnel of Pain
Oct 31, 2002
Early Child Loss
This mother shares the anguish of witnessing her son's final asthma attack that claimed his life. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, and the days and nights remain full of pain.
It Feels Like Forever
Oct 31, 2002
A mother shares her anguish over her beautiful Christopher Joseph who was taken away by SIDS. This precious little baby became an Angel while sleeping. This mother feels like it's been forever, but it has only been a few weeks. The pain is unquenchable.
Grandparents Grieve, too!
Oct 30, 2002
Infant Loss
This grandparent shares feelings of the heart following the stillbirth of a precious granddaughter. Sometimes others forget that grandparents do a lot of grieving, too.
My Heart Aches
Oct 30, 2002
This mother has experienced the devastation of losing a baby, and she feels like the pain is sometimes more than she can bear. She misses being pregnant, and she hurts because she is not going to hold this baby. When does the pain ever end?
My Precious Damian
Oct 30, 2002
Infant Loss
This young mother recounts her time of being pregnant with her little boy. At 31 weeks the placenta detached, and little Damian was not able to live. Now, a mother is left grieving the loss of her precious little boy. All she wants is her precious Damian.
Mixed Emotions
Oct 30, 2002
Multiple Losses
A young woman tells of her mixed emotions and tears over multiple losses. Her father died. A sister-in-law died. But, the worst news of all is the fact that her sister's baby died in utero. This baby has profoundly touched her heart, and she can't explain why.
How Long?
Oct 29, 2002
Adult Loss
A mother's heart grieves daily for the loss of her son. She feels like the pain is an unending journey leading to nowhere. Her only question remains, "How long?" She want someone to tell her how long it will take for this journey of pain to end.
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