Happy Birthday, Little Angel
Nov 10, 2002
I feel that I need to do something, to honor my precious little angel. I keep thinking about the fact that a year is just around the corner, again so many milestones to be reached. How I wish the milestones I was reaching were those of first birthday's, first hair cuts, and first steps. Instead the milestones that are coming up are those that mark the first time we found out we were pregnant, the first time we spotted, the year mark of knowing that you had gone to live with Jesus, the year mark of the d/c.
It seems that each day gets easier, and that the depth of my sorrow, and sadness is not nearly so raw. However, my precious little angel you are still missed most everyday. I find myself wondering what if it could have been different what would we be doing now....
Well sweet pea, I love you, just wanted to write and wish you happy birthday....
Love in Christ