There are 113 articles in this section.
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Grief Isn't Contagious
Nov 04, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Friends
Even though you might feel uncomfortable at first, don't avoid calling your friends who have suffered child loss. Your friends need you now more than ever before. Remember--grief is not contagious!
Alternative Rituals
Oct 30, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
When a family experiences the death of a child, it can be healing to create alternative rituals for anniversaries and holidays. The new rituals are one more step forward in your difficult journey of grief.
After All These Years!
Oct 30, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
It is not uncommon for a woman in her seventies to begin grieving a miscarriage that took place forty years ago. Grief must be dealt with, and only when acknowledged, can the healing begin.
Schedule a Grief Break
Oct 25, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Grieving the loss of a child is the hardest work you will ever do. By scheduling a grief break, you give yourself and your family time away to gain new strength and the fresh hope of feeling normal again.
When Grief Overwhelms
Oct 22, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Mothers
There will be days when you will be overwhelmed by your grief. By journaling your thoughts, taking mini grief breaks, and reading positive thoughts, you can get through the day!
Please Stop Crying!
Oct 20, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
Husbands and wives grieve the loss of a child in very different ways. By understanding that a wife's crying is a very real part of early grief, a couple can remain close and move forward in their journey of grief.
Where Are My Friends?
Oct 17, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Family
Child loss creates feelings of being very alone and having no friends. During those moments of loneliness, allow healing thoughts, Scriptures, and prayers to hold you up in your grief.
This Isn't Fair!
Oct 15, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
Miscarriage comes as a thief in the night, snatching away the baby that was so desperately wanted. Once a couple understands that much of life is unfair, they can move forward in the slow, difficult process of grief towards a place of hopeful living.
Telling Others of Your Loss
Oct 14, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: Miscarriage
It is a painful task to tell others you have suffered a miscarriage. Every time you say "My baby died", you move a step closer to healing in the difficult journey of grief.
Loss of Identity
Oct 12, 2001
By Clara Hinton
Category: For Fathers
When a child dies, a father loses part of his identity. By recognizing and accepting the reality of child loss, a father will understand that there is nothing that can ever take away his title as a father.
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