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Silent Grief 2008 - Important Information
Posted By Clara Hinton | Sep 30, 2008
Important Silent Grief Retreat Information:
1. What to bring? Sleeping bag/or blanket, pillow, toiletries, towel, warm sweatshirt or jacket (it’s been in the low 40’s every night), comfortable shoes, bedtime snacks, a picture or object for the memory board (see #6). Don’t forget your camera!!!!
2. Are the cabins heated? Yes! They are quite modern. They also have a kitchen.
3. What is the ropes course? This is run by the camp director and involves fun activities that are structured to help us get to know one another better. Nothing strenuous or dangerous is involved at all.
4. Do I have to participate? No. Not at all. This Retreat is to help you feel better, not worse. You make the decisions about participation.
5. Will we have a time to sit around the fire and talk? Yes. The cabins are equipped with firewood, a fireplace and a central lounge area. There are also outdoor fire pits.
6. What should I bring for the Memory Board session? This is a time for you to remember your loved one. You can bring a photo, a poem, a song, a necklace – anything you would like to place on the memory board “in memory of” your loved one. You will get to take your item back home with you when we leave.
7. What do I do when I arrive at the camp? Go to the main office and get directions to “Hemlock”. That is where we will be staying. Or just ask for the Silent Grief Retreat.
8. What if I forget a toothbrush or something like that? There is a locally run country store about ˝ mile up the road that has anything you need. It’s a fun place to visit!
9. How many meals are provided? All meals will be provided through breakfast on Sunday. Keep in mind supper on Friday is not provided by the camp, so if you want to bring something to throw into the pot, please do. We will be having a light supper together – with desserts, coffee, tea, water, and juice.
10. Can I stay in the cabins longer than noon on Sunday? No. The camp has other groups coming in for the week. We must be packed and ready to leave at noon.
11. What about directions? Is this place in the middle of the wilderness? Don’t worry – the Camp is located on Route 30 and you don’t have to turn off of any main roads. Please use MapQuest – 100 Camp Allegheny Dr., Stoystown, PA 15563
12. Can I take pictures at Flight 93? By all means! Be sure to bring your camera along!
13. What happens if it rains? The camp is equipped with indoor volleyball, wall climbing, ping pong, basketball – a huge gymnasium is at our disposal should it rain.
14. Where do I register? Natalie Hinton will have all registration packets at a table for you in the main area in Hemlock lodge. She will direct you to the rooms.
15. Can I choose who is in my room? Yes. By all means you need to be comfortable!
16. What about husbands and wives? Husbands and wives can remain together. There are 4 rooms, each with several beds. One or two of the rooms can be reserved for couples.
17. Does each room have a private bathroom? No. This is a camp, but the shower stalls and bathroom facilities are private. Yes, there is hot, running water.
18. What if I get lost? Please call the camp, and the camp directors can help you. They are a wonderful, courteous staff. 814-754-4336 or toll free 888-251-0771.
19. Will my laptop work? Maybe. We are a fair distance from the tower, so I’m not sure.